RH Batch 1 Retrospective
RH Batch 1 Retrospective
Maggie Dickson (old account) (Unlicensed), Cory Lown (Deactivated), Sean Aery (Old Account) (Unlicensed), Susan Ivey (Deactivated) and Moira Downey (Deactivated) - July 12, 2017
General observations
- Arrived at a really good place with everything
- Built sustainable practices and functionality for modeling related items.
- All customization was performed with sustainability in mind, which means the new functionality can be extended to other collections / admin sets. Additionally RH functionality not “one-offs” that could be difficult to maintain eventually.
Creating Metadata Application profile and functionality (Cory, Maggie, Molly):
Having mock ups helped set expectations, however it took several meetings to arrive at a mutual understanding of the metadata profile, item display and functionality. There was a lot of discussions and expectation setting. Ideally this would be accomplished in fewer meetings for other projects.
- As DC in DDR is still new, ITS didn’t really know how different our expectations were for our handling the project at the time of the grant proposal and metadata planning.
- Takeaways for next time:
- Metadata Architect should be involved at the beginning of the description planning process.
- Share metadata application profile w/ stakeholders as they are writing grants and setting up goals.
- Share baseline repository functionality and set expectations from grant proposal phase more proactively.
Data Ingest (Moira and Susan):
- Might have been the easiest part of this whole project. Jim C provided training for DPC folder ingest for Susan and Moira. The ingest itself took 2 hours 40 minutes.
- Jim handled the derivatives, but is working on a mechanism for Moira and Susan to do that, so subsequent batches will work well for Moira and Susan. This work should be available in September. Jim C can do any one off derivative work needed for batches before September
- Susan and Moira didn’t have access to CIFs, which was frustrating.
- There were questions about what we were ingesting:
- Check in w/ Craig: are you going to want to preserve more than one derivative? Note, currently we do not have a way of associating more than one derivative with the master file.
- What about Duke users - would you ever want to provide higher bandwidth derivatives to researchers on campus. Talk to Craig about this.
- Moving forward: Jim C. asks that Craig name the batch folders consistently.
- Moira and Susan can work with larger batches: same amount of work regardless of the size of the batch (it is not a substantial amount of work). The duration of the ingest varies depending on many factors (other ingests, machine speed, etc), so there are no recommendations for ideal ingest batch size.
- Jim C can restart large ingests if they get interrupted.
- Note: do not ingest things that should not be publicly accessible until the very end.
- When we get to that point, we should discuss the need for special permissions for these items.
Metadata ingest (Maggie):
- Prepping metadata batches for ingest is a lot of work for Maggie.
- There are some issues with exporting the metadata from DDR - delimiter issues - there is a JIRA w/ Jim C.
- Laura is still working on the metadata, which makes the ingest complicated. Ideally there would be a clear point where Laura is “done” before Maggie manages the ingest into DDR.
- To discuss w/ Craig and Laura:
- When will metadata be “done”?
- If not 100% "done" are there good stopping points we can use for planning hand-off points?
- How does the grant planning effect this?
- Post ingest - it is helpful that Laura will be editing the metadata herself.
- Small (hopefully small) changes moving forward:
- Maggie would prefer to grab metadata directly from the Google sheet (moving from Google sheet to excel is error prone)
- Is it possible to remove empty columns from the Google sheet, for example the first batch included 36 empty columns.
- Metadata Versioning notes for Laura and Craig:
- If we (Laura, Craig and Maggie) are making changes to the metadata in DDR, then DDR becomes the master version of the metadata - not the google sheet.
- We cannot re-ingest the whole google sheet more than once, as it will overwrite what is in DDR.
- An exception is ingesting new content, ex: French translations. In this case we would ONLY ingest the French and not the whole sheet.
- High Level Takeaway moving forward: metadata ingest must happen in larger batches - ideally 1000 records or more
Coordinating data and Metadata ingests (Maggie, Susan and Moira):
- Ideally we would like to de-couple data ingest from metadata ingest. However currently the workflow for publish / unpublished will make this work really complicated.
- Newly ingested batches will automatically be published because the collection is published - no bulk way to manage the publication status of a group of items - Moira and Susan to talk to Jim C.
- Development Need: ability to edit access controls in bulk this is a repository wide need. Could be its own R/D.
- Workflow for now will require ingest work be coupled with Maggie setting the timing around her metadata remediation work:
- Maggie will work with metadata
- Susan and Moira ingest data
- Right after data ingest, Maggie will ingest metadata
- The goal in coupling the batches in the workflow above is to limit the amount of time recordings are available w/ out metadata. Maggie, Susan and Moira will have to coordinate their work closely.
Outstanding to-dos
- Collection Rights - we need a better place for this information w/ collection level metadata (DCIT)
- Also need French and Haitian translations of copyright statement
- The next big coupled release will be in September - any changes to about page should be in by end of August
- Unknown around the time coded descriptions - there will be a PR in development this quarter (Sean and Molly)
- Wait to do development of the PR and the feature to begin in earnest
- Embed A/V: http://people.duke.edu/~seanaery/embedtest/av.html (Sean)
- Will be deployed in September, but could be released sooner
- Need feedback from Craig and Laura
- Access considerations from Haiti (Laura and Craig)
- Can Laura and Craig get some data from folks in Haiti about access the files via DDR. Have they done that?
- Do you want ASpace identifiers in DDR to enable “view in context” features? (Craig and Maggie)
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