Plan for assigning rights statements or CC licenses to Radio Haiti recordings
Discuss and finalize RH Metadata Profile
Discussion items
Rights Statements
Craig, Laura, Maggie, Molly, and Dave H
Summary of the collection from a rights perspective:
Radio program recordings
Artists reading their own works or other works
Live music - often the Radio Haiti donors know these folks.
RH used music all the time interstitially - sometimes its famous music, sometimes not, the radio station did not always follow rules on this.
sometimes its a whole song, sometimes just a chunk.
sometimes the songs have a political meaning or undertone.
sometimes Laura can identify the songs and sometimes she cannot
Lots of commercials
Live coverage of a trial
Occasionally there are recordings from other radio stations including death threats
Rights statements in the metadata right now - this is primarily for the songs not the interviews.
Radio Haiti exclusive rights - we assume that this covers all the interviews w/ no songs.
Radio Haiti not exclusive - rights have been cleared
Radio Haiti not exclusive - rights not cleared
Small amount of copyrighted material w/ notable copyright holders
Johnathan Demme
Not yet determined
Exclusive rights description:
in copyright
the deed of gift asks to be contacted for commercial use, but users are not granted explicit non-commercial uses. This means listening and accessing the recordings are great. No specific permission for creating new works. Fair use is fine.
The donor doesn't seem concerned about the use of the materials and copyright.
Michele wants the collection to be as accessible as possible.
Creative Commons license?
Suggest CC-By-Non-commercial: requires attribution and they need to contact for commercial use.
If we want to apply a CC license, we would need to ask Michele, because she claims to be the sole owner of the collection according to the deed of gift.
Action item: ask for the CC-BY-NC license. Laura and Craig.
Was Radio Haiti every incorporated? Was it a legal entity?
Laura is pretty sure it was just Jean D, and now Michele.
For All items w/ radio haiti rights - get a CC license - CC-BY-NC
recordings labeled as exclusive are primarily RH programming
Include a rights note that says something about RH content being under the CC-BY-NC license, but there may be some other stuff mixed in because it was a radio station.
Make sure the note and license tightly coupled - along w/ downloads as well. More to think about.
For clearly under copyright:
will need to work w/ Dave on the specific examples.
do not launch at first - but work w/ Dave on each case
Metadata Profile
Craig, Laura, Maggie, Molly, and Cory
Language code: use Haitian Creole (Haitian French Creole - is the WRONG TERM - very political)
is part of: there will be only one and it won't display here - these will appear under the related items at the bottom.
Rights - field 1 will have a URI and icon
Rights notes: will include the disclaimer
Program name: we like it!
Alt titles: when they are the same in all 3 languages, leave them blank and alt title will not appear
Index everything - there are no new fields here.
Date: not possible to display as numbers for this collection. Would like it to be more internationally accessible.
Date will benefit from internationalization features.
Outstanding to dos:
Laura needs to designate an official title - make a separate column for preferred title
be sure to MOVE the title into the new column - do not leave it in old place
Cory/Maggie: make sure the relator fields are set up properly
Cory/Maggie: make language facetable - unclear if this would be done done in June, but it would apply retrospectively.
Other topics for 2-3pm:
Timing re: post June collection additions
Batch footprints
Subsequent Launches:
We can set a timeline for launch subsequent batches once we do the first batch.
Whatever is done on March 1 will be the batch of material that goes live in June.