Digital Collections Planning and Priorities CY 2018

Digital Collections Planning and Priorities CY 2018

DC Project Priorities (aka non-developer dependent work)

ProjectPriorityTimelineLinksStatusStatus / Notes
Discuss and explore managing hybrid collections (digitized and born digital items in a single collection) in DDR. HighCY18 Q1 - Q3

Discussions fueled the creation of these user stories: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12BpzYKTlscvODT3glXQsogxS4cQv3Tr6OgyXnPM823A/edit?usp=sharing

Section A, Boxes 4-25MediumOngoingSection A - 2017In Progress

Boxes 20-25 to be launched Q1 2019

See notes from ingest/metadata/launch process meeting: https://3.basecamp.com/3615344/buckets/2109882/documents/852877626

Migrate Behind the VeilMediumTBD
In progressCollection is remediated and awaiting a meeting to discuss ingest. 
Re-Imagining CollectionHighCY18 Q1 
Make Documentation more AccessibleMedium??
Not Started (from DCIT perspective)

Started this page (though it links to some olde docs that need updates) as a first step: 2. Workflow and General Documentation [click for more links]

Digital Collections documentation is buried - lets make it easier to find.

Project documentation -  Work on in November. 

Incorporate enhanced chapel recordings metadata into DDRHighCY18 Q1, 2 and 3
Complete for first batch

Provide access to a batch of enhanced metadata by mid-late July 2018 for Homiletics conference.

See: https://3.basecamp.com/3615344/buckets/2109790/documents/956373595

Migrate T2 Content - remaining still imageMediumOngoing
In ProgressSee quarterly schedule - we made great progress in 2018!
Migrate T2 content - remaining A/VMediumOngoing
In ProgressThis was difficult in 2018, but I feel optimistic about 2019
Memory Project in DDRHighCY18 Q3 & 4
Not Started

Work on this project was postponed to Q1 and Q2 of 2019 per planning efforts in late 2018.

Ingest Fall 2018?  

Launch early 2019

See: Memory Project

Ingest / apply basic metadata for A/V and Nitrate Preservation ProjectsMediumCY18 Q2

Completed several current nitrate projects and backlogged A/V.  Develop workflow for nitrates. 

Finish Radio Haiti?MediumCY18Q2
In Progress

2 (or more) batches of Radio Haiti ingested in 2018, as well as work on the grant to make the files more accessible via YouTube and IA.  Final batches to be ingested in Q2 2019.

Ingest scheduled for October 2018, May 2019 and June 2019 if need be.

Chronicle 1990sHigh

CompleteAll the 90s are in Tripod2
Emma GoldmanHighCY18 Q1
CompleteFirst diversity and inclusion project - associated with Baskin exhibit.
Apply Rights statements to legacy DCsMediumOngoingTracking pageIn Progress

Didn't make a lot of progress on this - prioritize in 2019?

Dave Hansen in discussions w/ RL Curators

Field experience student involved too

Usability testing on A/V related features (esp. captions and transcripts)MediumCY18 Q3 or 4
Will not startThis is being de-prioritized given AUX assessment project for FY19.
Make Captions and Interactive Transcripts AccessibleHighCY18 Q1 and 2

Several projects have captions / transcripts in the works - lets get these out into the world.

  • Silent Vigil / Allen Building - done
  • Larry Rubin - in progress
  • Chapel Recordings - in progress
Collection level metadataMediumCY18 Q3 and Q4
In Progress?

Maggie led a focus group of DC stakeholders in a discussion about needs for collection level browsing. Some of these require some development time, which is not allocated to DC as of early 2019. 

ACDC would like to see us do some user testing on browse features.  

MSI Data ModelMediumCY18 Q1-2

Need to make progress on this in 2019

Testing and R/D Development in Jan 2018

Resume work after April software update, which may impact the data model.

Create requirements to enhance the display technical metadata in DDR (both from FITS, DPC and possibly other)Medium?
In progress

Expositing FITS metadata has been submitted as a user story in Jira and is in the backlog:   DDR-1506 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DCIT discussed this on March 20, 2018.  Maggie Dickson (old account) (Unlicensed)Farrell (old account) (Unlicensed) and Mike Adamo (Deactivated) to discuss further and work with DPWG and MAG as needed.

Hopefully we can task this and move forward. 

Maggie has notes - from MAG or small meetings. 

Finish ROADHighCY18 Q3 and 4

Make progress in 2019

Complete editing ROAD derivatives, ingest and launch.

Roles and GroupsMedium?
In Progress

Group met in 2018 to review all the DDR groups.  The requested modifications still need to be submitted. Will do in Q1 2019. 

Need to know:

  • What are the groups and who are in them?
  • What is the process for creating new groups - is their an approval process
  • What best practices do we need to create in managing groups

Consult with upcoming DDR governance groups to be formed in Q2 (hopefully).

How about we work on this and provide recommendations/best practices to ACDC and DP3 if applicable?

Project Priorities for CY 18 and beyond

  • Manage smaller level projects as they appear
  • Migrate all the orphan projects
  • Migrate all the patron requests
    • Will require lots of RL collaboration
  • All outstanding proposals

DDR Development and DevOps Priorities (should they become available)

No.FeaturePriorityDesired Time RangeLinksStatusNotes

DDR models changes for Duke Chapel Enhanced metadataHighCY18 Q2Placeholder page: Chapel Recordings Enhanced MetadataCompletePlanning to start in Q1. Move to TOP!

Batch Ingest support for projects like Section AHighCY18 Q1

We defined requirements in 2018, and then opted not to request the development as other development needs have a higher impact. 

See:  DDR-1444 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Functional requirements around Hybrid collecitons
CY18 Q1-3

Requirements have been defined

Define necessary requirements for DDR backlog

Timeline is for discussions, not implementation. 

Searching and retrieving collections in DDR Admin interface for both general and RL Reading room useMediumCY18 Q2-3
In Progress?  Complete?

I think we did everything but make the result set downloadable, and that feature is on hold? 

DCIT on 3.20.18 identified 3 needs:

  • In DDR staff application, we want more fields indexed. DONE
  • Search for any level of the nested path of items that are nested.  DONE
  • Now that I have that result set, I want to download it, because that is what needs to go on the reading room machine. NOT DONE

Molly to set up meeting with David C-S, Jim C, Maggie Dickson (old account) (Unlicensed)Noah Huffman (Deactivated) and Farrell (old account) (Unlicensed) in Q2 to discuss. 

Plan sustainable future for Fugitive Sheets digital collection (and any other remaining "special interface" collections in T2).MediumCY18 Q3 or 4Non-DDR Digital Collections PlatformsNot StartedDiscussions and planning, not implementation

Plan for Full Text Search and CDM replacementMediumCY18 Q3 or Q4Non-DDR Digital Collections PlatformsNot StartedDiscussions and planning, not implementation

Implement Disqus commenting platformMediumCY18 Q1 & 2

ACDC opted not to incorporate Disqus.

MB to discuss w/ other institutions and ACDC. Implementation planning to follow. 

File TrackerMediumOngoing

Collaboration with DPC, DCIT, RL, Core Services

Reports are being generated.  DPC in touch with Core services about modifications. 

Manage Large DDR IngestsHighOngoing
Not Started

This is moved to 2019

AdViews will be a good test for large ingests. 

Unclear if this work will result in functional requirements.

Make timecodes in description fields copyable linksMedium?
Not started

See comments on:  DDR-1327 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Alert users that audio captions are available in embed viewsHigh?
Not StartedDiscussed at DCIT 3.20.207.  Re-consider ideas when Dev time allows. 

WebVTT chapters MediumCY18 Q3
Not startedDiscuss what needs these will address and if/when/how to implement

Development needs on deck for CY18 and beyond

  • Support full text collections:
    • OCR
    • term-highlighting
    • Mets Alto for newspapers
    • Export text easily
    • Import corrected text easily
    • support distance reading and text mining related work (may just rely on exporting text data sets).
    • Turn off CONTENTdm
  • Would love to see the day where everything we digitize is linked through the catalog and finding aids.  
    • Lots of technology and workflow implications. 
    • Aligns w/ MAG
    • People should be able to understand what they find in the catalog AND of course be able to find digital collections.  Thinking through what is digitized, digital, and electronic versions. 
  • Implement Altmetrics
  • Re-Curate collections following ingest
    • Change the data model of a collection
    • Requires suffia?
  • Long Distant future....
    • Enable Crowdsourcing (this requires policy / workflow planning as well as development work)