FY23 Q3 (Jan - March 2023)

Collections to Launch

PriorityEpic LinkNames / BRIEF NotesProgress (measured by JIRA tickets)Portal and/or Metadata Configuration Required?

DC-970 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Patron Requests (DPC Scanned)
The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

DC-1122 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Patron Requests (RL Scanned) - develop workflow for ingest - do some test ingests. 
The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

DC-1653 - Getting issue details... STATUS

American Slavery Documents itemness updates - work in progress (not completed Q3)
The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

DC-493 - Getting issue details... STATUS Small Gamble addition
The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

DCS-171 - Getting issue details... STATUS The Weekly Anglo-African - digitized microfilm DCS-171 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DC-1100 - Getting issue details... STATUS Born Digital records ingests
The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

Collections to Ingest ONLY

PriorityEpic LinkNames / BRIEF NotesProgress

DC-165 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Behind the Veil (could last multiple quarters)
The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

DC-1781 - Getting issue details... STATUS Duke Living History file arranging (could last multiple quarters) DC-1735 - Getting issue details... STATUS