Deposit Agreement for Research Data

Deposit Agreement for Research Data

Approved by the DDR Program Committee, June 12, 2017.

What you agree to:

By depositing this Content (“Content”) in the Duke Digital Repository (“DDR”), you agree that you are solely responsible for any consequences of uploading this Content to the DDR and making it publicly available, and you represent and warrant that:

  • You are either the sole creator and the owner of the copyrights and all other rights in the Content; or, if not the sole creator, you have the right to deposit the Content in an archive such as the DDR either based on the rights holder’s express permission or as permitted by law. Additionally, you agree that the Content does not infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of someone else, is not defamatory, and does not violate any laws or another’s rights of privacy or publicity.
  • You agree to provide your data under one of the standardized licenses identified in the DDR Licensing Policy for Research Data.
  • The Content contains no restricted, private, confidential, or otherwise protected data or information that should not be publicly shared, and that the deposit and sharing of this Content complies with any applicable IRB protocol. 
  • The Content is in a final state and is not subject to revisions or updates.
  • Nothing in the Content contains any software viruses or computer codes, files, or programs capable of allowing unauthorized access or disrupting, damaging, limiting or interfering with the proper functioning of the DDR or other users' software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.

What we agree to:

You understand that the DDR will do its best to provide perpetual access to your Content. The DDR will, consistent with the standardized license selected by you, provide access, reproduce, distribute and publicly display the Content, in whole or in part, in order to secure, preserve and make it publicly available. DDR may also migrate the Content to other media or formats, or make other copies to preserve its public access.

While DDR will do its best to provide perpetual access to deposited Content, DDR makes no promises or warranties that this Content will be perpetually or consistently preserved or accessible. In addition, DDR reserves the right to remove Content under the terms of its Deaccession Policy for reasons such as deposits made in conflict with terms of this license, in response to a valid DMCA notice, or in response to a valid court order compelling the removal of such Content.

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