
  1. Requests received and routed to appropriate digitization team

    • RLAS Receives requests and determines whether items should be scanned in the DPC or RL, and routes items to conservation as need be.

    • RLAS creates starter digitization guides for the materials and routes items to DPC

      • RLAS does not create starter digitization guides for materials that do not have collection guides/finding aids.

    • RLAS determines whether patron request items can be made publicly accessible, require restrictions or if more investigation is needed (status unclear).

    • RLAS staff creates the entry on the Google Tracking sheet based on TN. Once the materials are delivered to the DPC, DPC staff add information to document the activities related to the TN.

  2. Digitization

    • DPC performs intake

    • DPC evaluates the condition of material and confers with Conservation as needed.

    • Conservation evaluates and repairs items when needed.

    • DPC digitizes collections and performs quality control.

      • See DPC document in L:\Share\DPC-Public\DPC Manual\Workflows\RLAS Patron Instruction Request-Folder Level Workflow_Update11-17-22.docx or contact Giao Luong Baker

    • RLAS scans items and performs quality control.

  3. Digital Materials Sent to Patrons

    • DPC returns quality controlled scans to RLAS via Box. DPC makes pdfs

      • DPC renames files for patrons w/ folder title

    • RLAS returns scans to patrons via Box (or FTP for things that are bigggg)

    • DPC returns physical items to RLRS.

  4. Finalization and Ingest

    • DPC finalizes items they have scanned, and creates ingest tickets for Repository Services Analysts.

    • RLAS evaluates and if applicable prepares items they have scanned in RL for DDR ingest.

    • Repository Services Analysts create new collections in DDR as needed, ingest content to DDR, and route tickets to folks in RLTS for description review.

  5. Description and Metadata

    • RLTS will review and, when necessary remediate existing description for items that were digitized either by DPC or RL.

      • Persistent identifiers URLs are added to catalog records at the time of the description review. For most published items (books, serials, etc.), links are only added to local Aleph records (not OCLC records).

    • Metadata Architect crosswalks and applies metadata - Patron Requests - Metadata /wiki/spaces/DDRKB/pages/2986868737

    • Metadata Architect determines the appropriate rights statement for the item(s)/collection and applies it. - Rights Management Metadata

  6. Launch

    • Head, DCCS applies access roles accordingly (public access, metadata access only or a mix of levels in a collection).

    • Metadata Architect creates DAOs in finding aids (if necessary).

  7. Delete data from DPC servers

    • Repository Services Analysts delete files from DPC Work following collection launch.
